Oregonians For Medical Freedom, PAC

Our mission is to protect vaccine exemptions, promote informed consent rights, and preserve medical privacy for all Oregonians.

Our children are facing the greatest threat to their health ever witnessed in our nation. During the 2019 legislative session, pro-pharmaceutical lawmakers sponsored a bill that would require a one-size-fits-all forced liability-free pharmaceutical program that would have put thousands of Oregonian children at risk of debilitating chronic illness.

  1. HB 3063 would have required ALL children to receive ALL 31 doses of liability-free vaccine products in order to attend Oregon schools and school-related activities and sports, charter schools, preschools, and daycare.
  1. HB 3063 would have denied vaccine exemptions for medically fragile and susceptible children whose doctors agree cannot be safely vaccinated due to their family history, genetic variants, and individual biomarkers that put them at significant risk of permanent disability and chronic illness.
  1. HB 3063 had an “emergency clause” added by pro-pharmaceutical lawmakers making it impossible for this law to be referred to voters for an appeal.

Pro-pharmaceutical lawmakers argued that the bill and its emergency clause are necessary to “improve vaccination rates” in some Oregon schools, but a U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS)- funded Harvard Pilgrim study found that 2.6% of people are injured by vaccines, indicating the exemption rate should actually be higher to protect more children.

Please Send Your Political Tax Credit

It is critical that we send more lawmakers to Salem who will protect our current exemptions instead of greedy and corrupt corporations and their $50 billion liability-free product line.  The Political Tax Credit is a no-cost way to support the political cause of your choice, allowing you to direct a portion of your tax dollars in a way that YOU choose. It is a credit, not a deduction.

  • The Political Tax Credit allows most Oregon taxpayers* to take up to $50 of the money they normally pay in taxes – most married couples* can take up to $100 – and give it to a political cause instead.
  • This is money you absolutely cannot keep. It can only go to a qualified political organization or be paid in taxes.

Oregon is one of the few states in the nation that requires public health department approval for a medical exemption, which removes a doctor’s ability to make the best medical decisions for a child. Our public health departments are denying medical exemptions for children who cannot get one or more of these liability-free pharmaceutical products.

That’s why we’re urging you to please help us protect our children’s current exemptions and use your Political Tax Credit today.

When using Oregon Personal Income Tax Form 40, the Political Tax Credit contribution is noted on line 26.

*Please note that Oregon law only allows married couples with a combined annual income under $200,000 to claim the political tax credit—singles with annual income under $100,000 can give up to $50.

Contact Information

Oregonians for Medical Freedom
19550 Amber Meadow Drive
Suite 130-123
Bend, OR 97702

P: (503) 406-2882
E: info@oregoniansformedicalfreedom.com

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