Our Mission
Our mission is to protect vaccine exemptions, promote informed consent rights, and preserve medical privacy for all Oregonians.

We are a parent-led community that provides science-based education to all Oregonians about the serious safety and legal issues of the liability-free vaccine program.
Our mission is to protect vaccine exemptions, promote informed consent rights, and preserve medical privacy.
Protect Vaccine Exemptions
Oregon’s vaccine laws allow for medical and non-medical vaccine exemptions. Oregon’s non-medical exemption law also mandates education and state and/or vaccine provider approval of parents exercising their human and informed consent right to exempt their children from one or more state required vaccines. Vaccine exemptions protect parental rights and children’s health. Parents have a responsibility to assess their child’s risk of a vaccine adverse reaction based on that child’s individual health needs and advancements in scientific research. The foundational purpose of OFMF is to protect those rights.
Promote Informed Consent Rights
OFMF is dedicated to promoting the rights of consumers to know the truth about the safety, efficacy, history, and ingredients of vaccines. Vaccines are pharmaceutical products with associated risk of side-effects. Administering vaccines without consideration for an individual’s medical and family history, genetic variants, and biomarkers that make them more susceptible to vaccine injury may pose a significant risk that outweighs any benefit to that individual.
Preserve Medical Privacy
OFMF is committed to protecting the medical and personal information privacy rights of all Oregonians. We oppose any proposed infrastructure that requires vaccine exemptions to be entered into a state registry as this would discriminate against children who could be harmed by vaccination by putting their private medical records more at risk than other children’s.