Oregonians For Medical Freedom, PAC
Our mission is to protect vaccine exemptions, promote informed consent rights, and preserve medical privacy for all Oregonians.
New 444 Page Peer-Reviewed Research Paper Published & Ready to Share Far and Wide!
Led by Oregon-based Dr. Henry Ealy, the COVID Research Team’s new peer-reviewed position paper detailing extensive acts of willful misconduct is officially published online in Green Med Info and available for FREE public access. This magnum opus provides easy to read executive summaries as well as detailed topics filled with significant empirical evidence research. Thanks to our partnership with Stand For Health Freedom, the position paper is accompanied by an impactful Take Action campaign calling for formal congressional and grand jury investigations into these key COVID topics:
- Asymptomatic Transmission
- PCR Testing
- Effective Treatments for COVID
- Violations of Federal Law
- Inaccurate Projection Models
- Violations of Medical Ethics
- Clinical Trials Continue While Adverse Events Increase
Each topic comes with a 1-2 page topic-specific executive summary found within the first 20 pages of the manuscript and you will find an executive summary for all topics HERE to help you and your readers quickly orient to the urgency of the situation.
Here is the link to the full position paper:
COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis
An Evidence-Based Position Paper to Ensure Ethical Conduct
A Statement from The COVID Research Team’s Lead Author
Our COVID Research Team has dedicated more than 20,000 hours into investigating all aspects of COVID-19 and producing this work. The authors feel that it is a seminal manuscript that will empower elected officials, attorneys, professional organizations, and the public to take action on behalf of good people throughout the world. – Dr. Henry L. Ealy
Is your College/University mandating the Covid vaccine?
You can attend college or uNiversity without it! You can file an exemption per Oregon law.
Call the health office to find out how to file an exemption.
The MockingJay Project
The MockingJay Project is a sub-group of Oregonians for Medical Freedom (OFMF) focused on analyzing Covid-19 and its impact on Oregon. The MockingJay Project is here to break down different elements of the virus and how it is affecting our great state, while providing a better understanding for citizens. We will consistently provide in-depth, referenced, and accessible articles that are extensively reviewed by experts. Regardless of your stance on these topics (lockdowns, mandates, vaccines, or masks) forcing the public to follow strict mandates is a violation of civil liberties and medical freedom. Please read and share our articles listed below.
New items will be added periodically so feel free to check back often.
We are witnessing the greatest decline in public health than ever before in history.
In The News
Oregonians for Medical Freedom Speaks Out Against SB 1529 A-Engrossed
OFMF 1529 Press Release PDF with clickable links PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: February 21, 2022 Oregonians for Medical Freedom info@oregoniansformedicalfreedom.com Oregonians for Medical Freedom Speaks Out Against SB 1529 A-Engrossed Sneaky Rewrite Grants...
Over 30 Oregon Grassroots Organizations join with Oregonians for Medical Freedom to Push Back on Governor Brown’s Fall 2021 School Mask Mandate and removal of local control.
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OSHA set to make permanent workplace Covid-19 Rules
Greetings fellow freedom fighters! We wanted to bring to everyone’s attention OSHA is proposing to make Covid-19 workplace rules permanent and we need your help! Their reasoning behind such a drastic action? The Covid-19 workplace rules are temporary and set to expire...
Oregonians For Medical Freedom Sends Cease and Desist Letter to OHA for Misinformation about COVID-19 Vaccines in Clear EUA Violation; Third Attempt to Hold OHA Accountable for Inaccurate Statements
For Immediate Release: March 5, 2021 Media Contact: info@oregoniansformedicalfreedom.com The statewide grassroots organization Oregonians for Medical Freedom recently delivered a “Cease and Desist” letter to the Oregon Health Authority to stop the agency from...
Oregonians For Medical Freedom Oppose SB254 and Call on State Leaders to Join Them in Denouncing Discrimination, Upholding Equity and Equality
For Immediate Release: February 11, 2021 Media Contact: info@oregoniansformedicalfreedom.com Oregonians For Medical Freedom is a nonpartisan, education-based organization, working to protect informed consent and quality patient care. On behalf of the members of OFMF,...
COVID-19 Deaths Deciphered
View PDF Version Oregon reported 1,388 COVID-19 deaths as of December 20, 2020.1 To understand the relevance of this number, it is important to have a solid understanding of how overall deaths from 2020 compare to historical data, how deaths are reported, what...
Many families throughout Oregon have been harmed by vaccines, and many have chosen not to vaccinate. Read their stories.