On August 15, 2016, the CDC published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding Communicable Disease, and is accepting public comments on the proposed rule until October 14, 2016. Under the proposed rule, the CDC plans to give itself the power, based on its own determination of a threat of a communicable disease, with the ability to apprehend healthy people en masse and detain them indefinitely with NO process of appeal! The lack of due process and outright trampling of basic civil rights ought to alert everyone that the final stage of tyranny is upon us and action must be taken!
A couple years ago, Ken Jorgustin wrote a blog article asking the question, “Has Our Government Become Tyrannical?” (http://modernsurvivalblog.com/lessons-from-history/has-our-government-become-tyrannical/) In the article, Jorgustin breaks down the descent into tyranny into four stages: First, the people are dumbed-down and stripped of individualism through the school systems, the media, and social programs and policies which breed dependence. In the second and third stages, independent and critical self-thinkers who ‘dare’ to speak out, are identified, demonized, and marginalized, so that the public at large will be deterred and threatened from speaking out. (That brings to mind the quote from Del Bigtree, that many doctors he has spoken to who are aware of a vaccine/autism connection, but they say nothing because they are “afraid of being Wakefielded!”). The final and fourth stage of tyranny involves forceful action and prosecution against those who are resisting the tyranny.
IF THE NPRM published in August becomes a Final Rule without any modifications, it will provide the legal justification for the CDC implementing that fourth and final stage of tyranny!
The CDC is asking for public comments on specific portions of the proposed rule:
- whether there are any public concerns with the absence of a specific maximum apprehension period in the regulation.”
- “HHS/CDC specifically requests public comment on this proposed provision to issue Federal orders to entire groups rather than individuals.”
- “the proposed practice to issue Federal orders before a medical examination has taken place. ” (How can an entire city be examined?)
What I find most troubling is that the “CDC may enter into an agreement with an individual, upon such terms as the CDC considers to be reasonably necessary, indicating that the individual consents to any of the public health measures authorized under this part, including quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment; provided that the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to any exercise of any authority under this part.”
So, if you consent to an agreement, the CDC still believe it has the power, if you are apprehended, to vaccinate and treat you, and claims it HAS THE POWER TO DO SO EVEN IF YOU DON’T CONSENT! Failure to comply could mean that “individuals who violate the terms of the agreement or the terms of the Federal order for quarantine, isolation, or conditional release (even if no agreement is in place between the individual and the government), he or she may be subject to criminal penalties” If this proposed rule isn’t the very definition of the fourth stage of tyranny, I don’t know what else would qualify!
There is another organization Fighting for medical freedom, the National Health Freedom Action Group, which has issued a statement in response to this proposed rule by the CDC. I endorse their following call to action wholeheartedly:
“NHFA encourages citizens and organization to ask for the immediate halt of this proposed rulemaking process until the CDC can design regulations that first and foremost protect the rights of all Americans in their self-determination and personal health privacy and liberty. NHFA encourages CDC to have regulations that do not misguide people or coerce them into agreements of compliance of federal recommendations while they are in crisis, or that infringe on the liberties and personal health privacy of people in their daily life events as they move about and travel. Regulations are needed that can address reasonable coping mechanisms for communicable diseases that involve immediate access to clean and healthful water, air, and environments, and access to the broad range of health care practitioners,products and options that individuals desire during a crisis to promote health and prevention. CDC must work to avoid forced treatments of any kind, always honoring informed consent principles of all individuals. And to utilize quarantine, isolation, and surveillance in the least restrictive mode and with full due process, as a very last resort in addressing communicable disease.”
Here is a link to the entire proposed regulation: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/08/15/2016-18103/control-of-communicable-diseases#h-32
To make a comment on the Rule or any aspect of it, please reference the particular section of the rule your comment applies to: https://www.regulations.gov/comment?D=CDC-2016-0068-0001
Remember, October 14, 2016 is the Deadline for commenting.
Bob Snee
Legislative Policy Coordinator