Greetings fellow freedom fighters! We wanted to bring to everyone’s attention OSHA is proposing to make Covid-19 workplace rules permanent and we need your help!

Their reasoning behind such a drastic action? The Covid-19 workplace rules are temporary and set to expire in May without the ability to be extended. They will be made permanent and according to their website, OSHA “expects to repeal the “all or part” of the permanent rules once it is no longer needed to address the coronavirus pandemic.” Exactly when that would be is not specified.” This applies to all sectors such as schools, contractors, restaurants, gyms etc. The time for public comment has passed but written testimony can be sent until Friday April 2nd. Please let them know that mask mandates, long term tracking, and setting the stage for vaccine passports violate medical privacy, informed consent, and vaccine exemptions.

From the OSHA website: fbclid=IwAR3kU3m3UzXmKMLAj9aH7i00VjBMCaUuEg1de_QDVATNitoRNq1WudFzDW8
Language and rules of concern:

1) Masks and Face shields
Many individuals with disabilities have not had any accommodations other than online or curbside delivery or have relied on the use of face shields. If this is implemented, face coverings will be permanent, and you will not be able to choose.

From their website:
“Face shield – means a transparent plastic shield that covers the wearer’s forehead, extends below the chin, and wraps around the sides of the face. Devices that place a shield in front of only the user’s nose and mouth do not meet the definition of a mask, face covering, or face shield. Face shields are normally used as protection for the face and eyes [but] and their use as a means of “source control” should be discouraged when more suitable alternatives are available, but they remain a compliant (although not preferred) means of “source control” in relation to COVID-19.”
“Note: Oregon OSHA remains in ongoing discussions with the Oregon Health Authority about the suitability of face shields as a minimally compliant means of source control. If the agencies determine that the balance between practical considerations and the hazards presented by aerosol transmission (as well as any other factors) require a change in this approach, the Oregon Health Authority may choose to revise its current mandatory guidance. If so, Oregon OSHA will enforce that more restrictive option, notwithstanding the language of this rule.”

2) Vaccinations
While this permanent rule change does not mandate the Covid-19 vaccination it would allow OHA to deem the vaccine as “necessary” for specific workplaces. It also lays the groundwork for employers to mandate the vaccine. OSHA will be implementing the same tactics for masking and testing by removing choice.

From their website:
“(m) COVID-19 vaccination for workers.
(A)”The employer MUST cooperate by making its employees and appropriate space available at no cost to the workers whenever a local public health agency or Oregon Health Authority indicate that COVID- 19 vaccination within the workplace is necessary.” (This vague language is unacceptable.)
(B) “If such vaccination is conducted at the employer’s own direction, the employer is responsible for covering the costs of vaccination including but not limited to the employee time, and employee travel to vaccinated. However, if the employer does not request the vaccination, the employer is not expected to cover the direct cost of such vaccination or of any involved employee travel.”
(C) “Unless the local public health agency or Oregon Health Authority directs otherwise, employers need not require employees to accept the vaccination. If employees who are offered the vaccine decline to be vaccinated, the employer must document that declination.”
“Note: Oregon OSHA will provide model declination forms for use by employers in documenting such declination.”
“Note: It is the considered opinion of both the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon OSHA that all individuals should accept vaccination unless it is medically contra-indicated. Allowing some workers to decline such a vaccination does not indicate any doubts on the part of the state or Oregon about the value of the vaccine and the importance of reaching a high vaccination rate to both public and worker health.”

There are more concerning rules that may apply to your family or business. Please read the proposed rules at the above link.

Additionally one of our coalition partners, Oregonians for Liberty in Education has written a good explanation on how it affects schools.

To comment, you can contact, or email Oregon OSHA contact Matthew Kaiser at or give a call at 503-947-7386

Please continue to support our legal efforts to keep vaccine exemptions, medical privacy, and informed consent by donating today!