Oregonians for Medical Freedom urges you to contact your state legislators
April 23, 2019
For Immediate Release
Emily Smith
(503) 683-1290
SALEM, Ore. – A confidential legal memo prepared by Legislative Counsel, the Legislature’s own lawyers, revealed that HB 3063-A, the state forced vaccine mandate bill, is dramatically more sweeping in scope and impact than the bill’s proponents have been leading the public to believe. The memo explains that, in addition to mandating that Oregon K-12 students receive the full panoply of vaccinations in violation of their families’ wishes, the forced vaccine mandate bill also requires even small children to comply with the state’s crushingly rigid vaccination mandates before attending state licensed daycares, preschools, Head Start programs, early childhood special education programs, and early intervention programs—impacting tens of thousands more Oregon families than the bill’s sponsor’s originally led the public to believe.
“Many parents, especially with very young children, choose to have their children placed on a delayed vaccination schedule,” said Emily Smith, Oregonians for Medical Freedom’s lobbyist. “And this bill eliminates that choice by requiring working families and single mothers to choose between doing what they believe is in the best interests of their children’s health, often with the support of their doctor, and sending their kids to daycare. If this bill passes, how many working families and single mothers will lose their much needed access to childcare and early learning programs as a result?”
In addition to blocking childcare services for potentially tens of thousands of Oregon’s working families, the forced vaccine mandate bill also eliminates the philosophical and religious vaccination exemptions for Oregon’s universities and community college students, effectively handing full control over whether adult college students must be exposed to potentially dangerous injections to the bureaucrats at the state Oregon Health Authority.
“Families and adult college students should have the right to examine the information, and make medical decisions that match their families’ needs,” said Emily. “Oregonians deserve to know the full impact of this bill. It hurts every Oregon child in daycare and early childhood learning programs, as well as university and community college students. Why do proponents feel the need to cover that up?”
Oregonians for Medical Freedom is a grassroots non-partisan organization comprised of medical professionals, educators, parents, and citizens concerned with upholding the medical ethic of informed consent for all medical procedures and practice, including vaccination. While the topic of vaccine mandates is a very sensitive and emotional issue for many, OFMF wishes to make it very clear that our organization does not and will never tolerate harassment, discrimination, or threats of violence or death towards parties who disagree with our stance, be they politicians, professionals, or citizens.
For more information about Oregonians for Medical Freedom, visit www.OregoniansforMedicalFreedom.com or contact Spokesperson Emily Smith emily@evolveoregon.com or call (503) 683-1290. For media inquiries, please email media@oregoniansformedicalfreedom.com.