The Senator Driving Oregon’s Mandatory-Vax Bill Sends Colleagues a Yes-Vote Email Full of Holes

Further evidence emerged over the weekend that State Sen. Elizabeth Steiner (D – Beaverton/Portland) is the driving force behind HB 3063. On Saturday, May 4, she sent an email to her colleagues in the Oregon legislature posing and answering questions about the bill. Her effort is full of holes as demonstrated below.

Not to be left out, I decided to pose some questions myself. Here’s my email to Steiner Hayward (reinforced by two voice-mails to her office). I don’t imagine she’ll reply, but should she or a staffer surprise, I’ll certainly update this article.

As expected, just this afternoon, the Oregon House of Representatives passed an over-arching mandatory vaccine bill. So, also as expected, it comes down to a vote in the Senate. Senators might wish to read the following, along with – should they prove ambitious – the two articles below that.

But read this one, anyway, one observer’s reaction to the email their colleague sent them pushing a yes-vote.

After some introductory niceties, my emailed query to Steiner Hayward commenced: Read the full article.

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