The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will cough up $29.6 million in the coming fiscal year for 112 grants nationwide for programs geared towards improving state vaccine registries’ capacity for “identifying under-vaccinated populations,” as well as, among other technical capacities, “conducting surveillance [and] collaborating with preparedness….”

The money will go towards demonstration projects that improve registries’ ability to capture kids’ vaccine status and promote higher vaccination rates. Should a program work in one jurisdiction, it’s obviously transferable down the road. (CDC ignored questions on whether almost $30 million represents a typical annual expenditure, but private consultants said it does spend millions yearly on programming for Immunization Information Systems (IIS) upgrades.)

Money’s being made hand over fist while the vaccine decision and consent process becomes ever more automated and digitally streamlined. With Beltway Bandits nationwide hoovering up federal and state funds, it’s a process that yields, if not entirely automatic and uninformed consent, at least a real lessening of parental control. And Oregon has been among the nation’s leaders in it all for years.

In Maryland, for instance, a nonprofit of “immunization stakeholders” worked with funding from the Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) to develop a mobile app for school-located flu shots that “electronically collects parental consent,” bills insurers, and then uploads the child’s vax-status data. This is after printed material has already been sent home with the student.

While happy of the award, Tiffany Tate, Executive Director of the Maryland Partnership for Prevention, says there’s nothing particularly earth-shaking about her group’s app, which she termed similar to the digital records employed in doctors’ offices. Read the full article.

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