Mar 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
Guest Author Medium March 6, 2015 Authors’ Note: This is part 3 of a 3-part series. Our first article discussed the Truth About Oregon’s Vaccination Rates and we followed up with a question about Who cried wolf in Oregon? (by declaring an emergency that doesn’t exist)...
Mar 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
Guest Columnist March 4, 2015 If you haven’t yet heard of Senate Bill 442–3 here in Oregon, you probably will very soon. The bill, sponsored by State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, is sitting in the Oregon Legislature’s Senate Committee on Health Care...
Mar 3, 2015 | Press Releases, Uncategorized
For Immediate Release March 3, 2015 For More Information: Rebecca Tweed (503) 860.6033 PORTLAND, Ore—Last week, a large grassroots effort came together to form a coalition in opposition of Senate Bill 442-3, the controversial legislation regarding Oregon’s vaccination...
Feb 28, 2015 | Uncategorized
Guest Columnist Medium February 28, 2015 An October 14, 2014 article from The Oregonian told a familiar story line that is now being used to push through an “emergency” measure in Oregon—Senate Bill 442–3—that would remove both philosophical and religious vaccination...
Feb 17, 2015 | Committee Hearings, Legislative News, News, Uncategorized
JURIST February 17, 2015 The Oregon Senate Committee on Health Care [official website] is scheduled to hear testimony on a bill [SB 422, PDF] that would limit the option for parents to receive non-medical exemptions from school vaccinations. Sponsored by state Senator...
Feb 16, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Statesman Journal February 16, 2015 As the multistate measles outbreak is attracting national attention, Oregon might soon switch from being a state with one of the easiest immunization opt-out laws to among the toughest. Up until 2014, Oregon parents could opt out of...