Oregonians for Medical Freedom – Conduct Policy Statement

March 3, 2019
For Immediate Release

It has come to our attention that some people and public figures are alluding to unprofessional and undignified behavior on the issue of vaccine choice, signaling that “death threats and harassment” are being directed at supporters of HB 3063, a proposed bill which would mandate up to 22 vaccines, and potentially more, for children in Oregon in order to attend school.

Oregonians for Medical Freedom is a grassroots organization that supports the goal of maintaining full informed consent for all medical procedures and practice, including vaccination. While the topic of vaccine mandates is a very sensitive and emotional issue for many, Oregonians for Medical Freedom wishes to make it very clear that our organization does not and will never tolerate harassment, discrimination, or threats of violence or death towards parties who disagree with our stance, be they politicians, professionals, or citizens. 

Our policies are very clear: we can, have, and will continue to disavow and disassociate from anyone who may engage in this type of inappropriate behavior.

We recognize this is a deeply emotional topic and we appeal to those who are aligned with our cause to continue to champion for medical freedom through logic and reason. As we saw in the outpouring of opposition to HB 3063 in the Salem Capitol on February 28, 2019, we are more than capable of arguing our position through sound intellect and clear science. Please continue to exercise respect when presenting your position on this galvanizing topic. 

Oregonians For Medical Freedom hopes that those who disagree with our stance will communicate the same message to those aligned with their cause. Those of us who speak out publicly on this issue regularly receive hateful messages and many have experienced direct threats of violence and death. Just as we ask those in our group to engage in respectful dialogue, we also hold the same standards to those who may not agree with our position on this issue.

Oregonians for Medical Freedom hopes that we can all recognize the need for civility and respect as we collectively work towards optimal health outcomes for Oregon’s children and citizens. 

Oregonians for Medical Freedom
2459 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy #298
Hillsboro OR 97123

Email: media@oregoniansformedicalfreedom.com
Phone: (503) 406.2882