Mar 11, 2015 | News March 11, 2015 By Saerom Yoo Oregon legislators are backing off a proposal that would have made it tougher for school children to opt out of vaccinations. Instead, Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward said Wednesday she will propose a different policy...
Mar 9, 2015 | News
Statesman Journal by Saerom Yoo March 9, 2015 During Oregon’s debate on whether all school and daycare children should be required to be fully vaccinated unless they have a medical exemption, I have used Oregon’s statewide kindergarten nonmedical exemption rate a lot....
Feb 28, 2015 | News
Washington Post February 28, 2015 Associated Press SALEM, Ore. — Jennifer Margulis has her kids vaccinated and she gets shots herself. But she doesn’t like the idea of government telling parents they must get their children immunized. That’s why she spoke at a recent...
Feb 7, 2015 | News
By Amy Wang OregonLive February 7, 2015 Although Oregon has the nation’s highest rate of childhood vaccination exemptions, a solid majority of the state’s children attend schools and child care facilities with immunization rates high enough to protect...