Oregon Medical and Non-Medical Exemptions

Oregon has both a medical and non-medical exemption available to public and private school students, as well as to college age students. This also applies to most daycares, including those covered by ERDC, and state assistance programs.

In order to obtain the medical exemption, you must visit your doctor and fill out a form. READ MORE AND ACCESS THE FORM HERE.

In order to obtain the non-medical exemption, you must watch an online module, and print out and sign a form. (Make sure you save a copy to your computer in case you need to print it out again later.) READ MORE AND WATCH THE MODULE HERE.



If I have multiple children, do I have to watch the module more than once?

No, you only have to watch it one time, but you will have to print one copy of the certificate for each child. For example, if you are requesting an exemption for three children, you will need to print out three copies of your certificate. There is a space on the certificate for you to write in your child’s name. If you print more than one certificate, you will write a different child’s name on each.

How long is the exemption good for?

Currently, there is not an expiration for a non-medical or permanent medical exemption. There are also temporary medical exemptions available, your physician will provide this date for you.

Can I still get state assistance/benefits if I have an exemption?

Yes. Please contact us if you are being told differently.

If I am in college, can I get an exemption?

Yes. You must watch the “College Measles Module”, print out a certificate and turn it into your school. ACCESS IT HERE.

My college is forcing me to get a vaccine or they allow me to register, what can I do?

Some college programs, generally in the healthcare field may require vaccines. You do have the right to request a meeting with the department heads to discuss exemptions.

For all other programs, the college needs to allow exemptions ORS 433.284.

Where can I find out more information about vaccines and state laws?

NVIC.org is an excellent source. You are also welcome to contact us with any questions that you have.

What are the requirements for Preschools/Head Start/Certified Childcare Providers?

You can access the complete Immunization Law Handbook by clicking here.

Excluded children’s facilities are defined as:
» A program that only offers extra-curricular training in a specific subject like music, sports or dance.
» Group social or athletic activities sponsored by an organized club.
» A child care facility where children may only attend on a limited basis, not to exceed four
times per calendar year.
» A child care facility that exclusively provides before and/or after school care for school-aged
» Child care operated occasionally by a person or organization not ordinarily engaged in
providing child care.

Nonmedical exemption
Nonmedical exemptions may only be signed by a parent, guardian or student 15 years of age or older. The person must specify one or more vaccines on the CIS form. The exemption covers only those vaccines that have been marked on the form. A Vaccine Education Certificate must also be attached and can be obtained from a health care practitioner or from watching the online vaccine education module. The parent must mark on the CIS form that the attached Vaccine Education Certificate is from a health care practitioner or from the online module.
A parent can claim a nonmedical exemption even if the child has already received some vaccines. A parent does not have to say they hold a specific belief to claim a nonmedical exemption. A parent may choose to mark that they are declining immunization for religious belief, philosophical belief or other on the CIS form, but this is not required.
The nonmedical exemption cannot be used as a reason to refuse services to a child. (bold is ours)